When You’re Not the Centre of Attention (for once)

Jul 08, 2024

Living with a chronic illness often means needing extra attention, more help, and greater flexibility. It's a reality we face daily. However, there come moments when someone we love needs us to be their rock. These times are rare but incredibly important. How do we, as people managing chronic illness, rise to the occasion and put our loved ones first? Here are some practical strategies to help you step up when it truly matters.

Understanding the Importance

Being at the centre of attention due to your illness is a necessity, but it doesn't diminish the importance of supporting those you love. When the chance arises to prioritise their needs, it's essential to seize it. Showing your loved ones how special they are can strengthen your relationships and bring a sense of balance to your interactions.

Practical Steps to Prepare

  1. Manage Your Energy Wisely:

Plan Ahead: Anticipate days when your loved one might need extra support. Plan your rest and medication around these times to ensure you're in the best possible condition.

Energy Conservation: Use energy-saving techniques daily to build up a reserve for those crucial moments. This could mean simplifying daily tasks, delegating when possible, and pacing yourself.

  1. Leverage Your Support Network:

Ask for Help: Reach out to friends, family, or professional carers to assist with your needs, freeing up your time and energy to focus on your loved one.

Support Groups: Engage with chronic illness support groups to share your plan. They can provide tips and encouragement based on their experiences.

  1. Health Management Strategies:

Routine Check-ups: Regular health check-ups can help you stay on top of your condition, reducing unexpected flare-ups.

Symptom Tracking: Keep a diary of your symptoms to identify patterns and triggers. This proactive approach can help you manage your illness more effectively.

  1. Communicate Openly:

Express Your Intentions: Let your loved one know that you intend to support them. Open communication can help manage their expectations and provide emotional reassurance.

Set Boundaries: Be honest about your limits. Explain that while you aim to support them, there might be times when your illness takes precedence.

When You Can’t, It’s Okay

Despite your best efforts, there will be times when your illness prevents you from being there for your loved one. It's essential to accept this reality without guilt. Here’s how to cope:

  1. Self-Compassion: Remind yourself that managing a chronic illness is a full-time job. Be kind to yourself and recognise your efforts.
  2. Alternative Support: Look for other ways to show you care, such as sending a thoughtful message, arranging for someone else to help, or planning a future date when you can be more present.
  3. Focus on Recovery: Use these times to rest and recuperate, ensuring that you can be there for your loved ones in the future.

Making Them Feel Special

When you can move heaven and earth for your loved one, ensure they feel truly special:

  1. Personal Touches: Small gestures, like their favourite meal, a handwritten note, or a shared activity, can mean a lot.
  2. Quality Time: Spend time together doing something they enjoy. Your presence and attention are invaluable.
  3. Celebrate Them: Acknowledge their support and love for you. Celebrating their role in your life can strengthen your bond.

Wrap Up

Balancing the needs of your chronic illness with the desire to support your loved ones is possible. By managing your health proactively, leveraging your support network, and communicating openly, you can create meaningful moments for those you care about. Remember, it's okay to prioritise your health when needed and celebrate the times when you can be there for your loved ones. They will appreciate your effort and love, knowing that you moved heaven and earth for them.


Adulting Well was started to give people, just like you, more knowledge so you could make the best choices possible – even with chronic illness.

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