Have You Thought of These 6 Things for Your Surgery?

healthcare system Oct 16, 2023

Preparing for major surgery can be a mix of emotions, from anxiety to anticipation. While you've got the essentials like your ID, health documents, and the obvious items in your hospital bag, there are some not-so-obvious things that can make your stay more comfortable and a little bit brighter. Here are 6 things you might not of thought of for your surgery.

  1. Communication Signs

For some major surgeries, like open-heart, when you wake up from surgery you can’t talk because of the tube down your throat. But that doesn't have to mean that you can’t communicate at all! You can go all arts n’ crafts and make signs beforehand so your support crew can hold them up and you can nod or shake your head. Signs can say things like 'water?', 'hold my hand?', or 'come back later?'. With these visual cues, you can communicate your needs even when words fail you.

“I was so disoriented when I woke up from my fourth open heart surgery that I told my lovely family to ‘piss-off’ when I finally could communicate. For my fifth surgery, I had learnt the lesson and made the signs. They worked a treat! We used the ‘hold hands’ sign a lot.”

  1. Nail Polish

Did you know that medical professionals often use the colour of your nails to gauge your oxygen levels and overall health? Nail polish can interfere with these assessments, so before your surgery, remove your nail polish to help the medical team do their job effectively.

  1. Treat Yourself

Major surgeries can be stressful, so why not pamper yourself a bit before your big day? Get something new and special for your hospital stay. It could be new pyjamas, a cozy blanket, or a good book. These little comforts can go a long way in brightening your experience. I always get a new pair of PJs.

  1. Hospital Photos

Taking photos in hospital sounds weird – even in this new world of selfies. But taking pictures in the hospital can be a powerful way to document your journey. These photos serve as reminders of how far you've come, the obstacles you've overcome, and the love and support you've received from visitors.

  1. Hedge Trimming

If you need a urinary catheter because of your surgery do some hedge trimming before your surgery, otherwise they will give you a Brazilian haircut downstairs themselves.

“When I was 21 I had no idea about the catheter. I mean why would they be messing about downstairs for chest surgery? Anyway, I didn’t do any hedge trimming and they did it for me. I was so embarrassed. I had it all sorted for my next surgery.”

  1. Leave the Crown Jewels at Home

Jewellery is precious, but it's often best left at home when you're headed for surgery. Not only does this reduce the risk of loss or damage, but it also keeps your focus on what truly matters—your health and wellbeing.

Beyond the basics, your surgery survival kit ensures that you're well-prepared for your hospital stay, making it as comfortable and positive as possible. So, pack wisely and go confidently into your surgery adventure – You’ve got this!


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