Why Routines Rule – When You Have Chronic Illness

Apr 29, 2024

Living with a chronic illness can often feel like navigating through a stormy sea. The unpredictability of symptoms, the constant need for medical attention, and the emotional rollercoaster can leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. However, amidst this chaos, there is one powerful tool that can anchor you and provide stability: routines.

Routines are your steadfast companions, the steady beat to your drum, the reliable path through the wilderness. They're the daily rituals and habits that provide structure and stability in an otherwise turbulent sea. Whether it's waking up at the same time each day, following a specific exercise routine, or setting aside moments for relaxation, routines offer a sense of order in a chaotic world.

Now, let's explore 4 reasons why routines are the ultimate ally for people like us chronic illness, helping you regulate your nervous system, banish decision fatigue, optimise efficiency, and maintain consistency in self-care.

  1. Routines that Regulate You

‘Regulation’ is the practice of maintaining balance within our minds and bodies, ensuring that our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations remain in sync. It's about creating a sense of equilibrium that allows us to navigate life's ups and downs with composure and resilience.

For those of us grappling with chronic illness, regulation is even more crucial. The unpredictable nature of symptoms and treatments can often disrupt our sense of stability, leaving us feeling scattered and overwhelmed. This is where routines step in as an invaluable tool in finding and staying in a regulated state.

Let's break down some practical examples of how routines can aid in regulation:

  • Morning Routine: Start your day on the right foot by establishing a solid morning routine. By following the same sequence of actions each morning, you set a positive tone for the day ahead and provide yourself with a sense of structure and purpose.
  • Sleep Routine: A good night's sleep is essential for overall well-being, especially for those with chronic illness. Create a calming bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. By consistently following your bedtime rituals, you enhance your chances of falling asleep easily and enjoying restorative sleep throughout the night.
  • Exercise Routine: Regular physical activity is vital for most people managing chronic illness and promoting overall health. Develop an exercise routine that suits your individual needs and abilities. By scheduling regular exercise sessions into your week and varying the types of activities you engage in, you can help regulate your body and improve resilience.
  • Medication Management: Keeping track of medications can be challenging, especially when managing multiple prescriptions. Establish a simple yet effective routine for medication management, such as setting reminders on your phone or using a pill organiser. By taking your medications at the same time each day and incorporating this routine into your daily schedule, you ensure consistency and reduce the risk of missing doses.

Your routines can create a framework that promotes balance and stability, enabling you to better regulate your mind and body despite the challenges of chronic illness.

  1. Reducing Decision Fatigue

Living with a chronic illness often means facing an onslaught of decisions, from choosing treatment options to managing daily activities around fluctuating symptoms. This constant decision-making can quickly lead to decision fatigue, leaving you feeling mentally drained and overwhelmed. Routines offer a solution by automating many of your daily tasks. By establishing set patterns for activities such as meal planning, medication management, and self-care rituals, you free up precious mental energy to focus on more pressing matters, without succumbing to decision fatigue.

  1. Enhancing Efficiency

When every ounce of energy counts, efficiency becomes paramount. Routines allow you to streamline your day, making the most of your limited resources. By organising tasks into a structured schedule, you can accomplish more with less effort. Whether it's breaking down larger tasks into manageable steps, prioritising activities based on energy levels, or delegating tasks to others, routines empower you to work smarter, not harder. This efficiency not only conserves your energy but also reduces the risk of burnout, enabling you to maintain a sustainable pace in managing your chronic illness.

  1. Promoting Consistency in Self-Care

Consistency is key when it comes to managing a chronic illness effectively. Yet, in the chaos of daily life, it's all too easy to neglect self-care practices that are vital for your well-being. Routines act as a gentle reminder to prioritise self-care consistently. Whether it's taking your medication at the same time each day, incorporating appropriate exercise into your routine, or practicing relaxation techniques before bed, these rituals ensure that you stay on track with your self-care regimen. Over time, this commitment to consistency can yield significant benefits for your physical and emotional health, helping you to better manage your illness and improve your overall quality of life.

Wrap Up

In a nutshell, routines are a powerful ally for anyone living with a chronic illness. By providing structure, reducing decision fatigue, enhancing efficiency, and promoting consistency in self-care, routines offer a lifeline in the chaos, empowering you to navigate the challenges of chronic illness with greater ease and resilience. So, embrace the power of routines and find the stability and strength they can bring to your journey towards wellness.


Adulting Well was started to give people, just like you, more knowledge so you could make the best choices possible – even with chronic illness.

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